Should Porsche build a compact SUV?

Should Porsche build a compact SUV?

In recent days, we've heard several rumors about new SUV projects from Volkswagen and Audi. These include the Audi Q5, Audi Q3, and the Volkswagen Golf SUV. These rumors have lead many enthusiasts to speculate about similar offerings from Porsche, which already shares a platform for its Cayenne SUV with the VW Touareg. According to a report published yesterday by Germany's Auto Zeitung magazine, Porsche is planning an SUV positioned against the BMW X3. The new Porsche SUV is said to share a platform with the proposed Audi Q5, while the Golf SUV and Q3 will share a separate architecture. Will another new model from Porsche further dilute the brand -- as suggested by columnist Robert Farago -- or is a compact crossover a good idea? (Pictured right is Auto Zeitung's rendering of how the SUV could look.)