Toyota may continue deep discounts beyond March

Toyota may continue deep discounts beyond March

Toyota is reporting a surge in sales in the realm of 40 percent, compared to the sales for the same time last year. As a result of the boost to sales, Toyota says it is evaluating the possibility of continuing zero percent financing and deep discounts beyond the March Sales Event.

Following the worst February sales figures in over a decade for the Japanese automaker, Toyota launched an aggressive sales campaign, saying it was "the most far reaching sales program in our history," in an effort to shore up double-digit drops in sales.

Now that Toyota is reporting a strong resurgence in sales due to its nontraditional approach to heavy discounting, Don Esmond, senior vice president of Toyota U.S. sales, told Reuters that Toyota is going to evaluate March sales results, as well as reactions from dealers and consumers and make a decision about extending the sales program.

"We will continue to keep our dealers competitive," Esmond said.

Esmond also told Reuters that Toyota fully expects to regain at least most of its lost market share that occurred during the last two months.

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