Waymo rolls out in-car Wi-Fi, child car seats

Waymo rolls out in-car Wi-Fi, child car seats

The company is hoping unique amenities will help drive business.

Waymo is reportedly trialing in-car Wi-Fi and installing car seats in every minivan to help distinguish its self-driving taxis from traditional ride-sharing alternatives.

The new features, first reported by Reuters, follow a recent move to launch ad-free music streaming via Google Play Music.

"Whether you want to catch up on emails or jam out to some of your favorite tunes using our music integration, we encourage riders to make this space their own," said spokeswoman Julianne McGoldrick.

Most riders are presumably using their own cellphones which would not need Wi-Fi, though some could take advantage of wireless connectivity to do work on laptops.

Waymo is still limiting rides to a small patch of Phoenix suburbs, with human safety drivers behind the wheel. The company has not announced a time-frame for expanding into additional territories.